6 mins read

How to Launch a Supercharged Tech Career

Reading Time: 6 minutes

If you’re considering a tech career, you’re on the brink of a very smart decision. Not only are tech jobs in super high demand, but they also allow you to be at the forefront of future-focused innovations that shape our world!  

However, launching a tech career can feel a little daunting when you’re unsure where to start. Because there are so many exciting specialisations and pathways to choose from, you’ll need to do a little bit of research before starting your journey, and we’re here to help.  

By demystifying the tech industry, illuminating some incredible careers in technology, and educating you on tech pathways, we’re helping to set you up for an incredible career. All you need to do is read on! 

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Why Choose a Tech Career? 

Besides the fact that careers in technology can be super fun, there are lots of practical reasons to launch a tech career, too. So, if you’re on the fence about the tech industry, check out our top reasons to choose a tech career: we’re pretty sure we can convince you that it’s a great idea! 

Tech Pros Are in Super High Demand 

Believe it or not, Silicon Valley isn’t the only place with a booming tech industry. In fact, Richard Brown, the CEO of Tech NZ, argues that “the tech industry in New Zealand is rapidly evolving, and companies are actively seeking skilled professionals who can drive innovation and stay ahead of the curve.” 

What’s more, reports from Recruit IT say the demand for tech workers in Aotearoa is only going up. According to them, companies are scrambling to fill over 20,000 tech jobs! 

You’ll Have Access to Super Cool Technology 

Professionals in tech careers often have the opportunity to work with emerging technology; in fact, they’re usually the first people to do so in the world! By working in tech, you’re able to interact with and influence the development of new products that change the world. If you ask us, it doesn’t get much cooler than that! 

You Can Choose from Tonnes of Specialisations 

One of the best parts about working in the tech industry is the massive range of specialisations to choose from! If you like music, why not try software engineering for a sound production company? If you’re an eco-warrior, there are plenty of green startups looking for talented tech pros, too!  

You’d be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn’t require some level of tech support, so simply figure out where you want to work and let your tech career take you there! 

There are Endless Opportunities for Progression and Upskilling 

Technology is always changing and evolving, which means that there’s no limit to how much you can learn in a tech career! With a great work ethic, a willingness to branch out into other sectors and a little bit of ambition, there’s truly no limit to how far a tech career can take you! 

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Which Tech Career is Right for Me? 

Now that you’re locked into pursuing a tech career (or at least, we assume you are after reading all those job perks), it’s time to figure out which specialisation is right for you! 

IT (Information Technology) 

Tech jobs in IT, or Information Technology, generally include managing computer systems, troubleshooting, fixing problems, preventing hacks, ensuring data is accurate and helping others with their computer usage.  

Specific tech careers that fall under the IT category include technical support, cybersecurity, database administration, and many more. The best part? They’re all in high demand too! 


Just like IT, the term ‘Product’ covers a tonne of different specialisations and tech careers. However, the commonality that unites all of these subcategories is that they all focus on a digital product (or, for some businesses, multiple digital products).  

In short, Product tech careers involve developing and overseeing digital products to ensure they meet user needs and market demand. Related tech careers that fall under this category include web developer, software developer, product engineer and user experience (UX) specialists.  


If you’re working in the tech industry, you’ll need a firm understanding of data (regardless of what specialisation you choose). However, those working in data take their understanding much, much further!  

Tech pros who specialise in data choose from many sub-specialisations, including data architecture, data science, data engineering, data analysis, machine learning and many more! Generally, roles in this category are super well-paid, too! 

Project Management 

Project managers serve a crucial role in any industry, as they ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and in accordance with the intended vision. However, in the tech industry, project managers also need a strong understanding of technology, products, and tools.  

These kinds of tech jobs are in super high demand right now, too, so it’s a great time to start formulating your career path! 

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How To Start a Tech Career 

While most tech companies only hire those with a relevant tech degree, there are alternative ways to break into the industry. We highly recommend taking the university route (as it will be much easier to find a job once you graduate), but here’s what to do if that isn’t an option: 

Coding Bootcamps 

Like university degrees, bootcamps teach you skills that you’ll need in your future career. However, unlike university degrees, their approach to learning is accelerated, intensive, and career-focused. Essentially, they’re fast-track programs intended to land you a tech career! 

The average length of a coding bootcamp is 16.5 weeks, and the course may be offered in-person, remotely, full-time, or part-time, depending on the provider (which is usually an independent organisation or university).  

A significant perk of coding bootcamps (besides the speedy learning pace) is that they’re able to update their curriculum more frequently, which means you’ll learn about emerging technologies and skills before anyone else.  


Aspiring tech professionals can earn tech-related certifications to show potential employers that they mean business! They prove that you know what you’re doing and that you were trained by a reputable source. In short, it’s a pretty good idea for those of you who don’t want to attend uni.  

With so many different certification options there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. So, if you’re considering earning a certificate, make sure you’re choosing a relevant course that prepares you for your ideal tech career.  

FAQ: All Things Tech Career-Related 

Now that we’ve covered the reasons you should choose a tech career, how to know which tech career is right for you, and what tech pathways you can choose from, it’s time to tie up any loose ends with a classic FAQ section! If you have any burning questions, this is the place to be! 

Question: Do All Tech Careers Require a Degree? 

Answer: Not all tech careers require a degree. However, there are many roles that do. If you can’t or won’t attend university, try opting for a coding bootcamp or certification course instead.  

Question: Do I Need to Know How to Code for a Tech Career? 

Answer: Not at all! Many tech careers require some coding skills, but there are also many non-technical or alternative roles that don’t require any coding knowledge.  

Question: Are Tech Careers in Demand? 

Answer: The demand for tech professionals is incredibly high, and it’s expected to grow significantly in the future, too! 

Question: Which Tech Job Should I Choose? 

Answer: Unfortunately, this one is on you to find out! Consider your passions, strengths and weaknesses when making your decision, but don’t worry too much – we believe that you’ll make the right choice! 

Start Your Tech Career with the Best! 

If you’re still reading, you’re now pretty clued in on how the tech industry works, so why not start researching future employers? The Explore Careers team is partnered with some of the best tech companies in Aotearoa, so make the most of this opportunity and head to our employers page today! 


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