3 mins read

Am I Doing This Right? 7 Signs You’ve Picked the Right Career Path For You

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Okay, so, you’ve made those first tentative steps towards your career – maybe you’ve embarked on an apprenticeship, or you’ve snapped up a place on a graduate program post-uni – congrats!

And as you spend more time in the workplace, you wonder – is this the right fit?

It’s totally natural, after working so long towards something, to question it when you finally get there! It’s a good thing to check in with yourself and make sure this is what you really want to be doing.

But how do you know if you’re really on the right track?

7 Signs You’re Right On Track

If you’re looking for some things to measure against to help confirm you’re on the right track, we’ve collated our top tips below.

Check them out and see how many sound familiar to you:

1.Getting out of bed on Monday morning isn’t a struggle (mostly!)

We’re not saying that you’re always in a rush to get back to work on Monday, but for the most part, getting stuck into a new work week feels effortless.

You might look forward to planning your work fits for the week, planning lunch breaks with your workmates, or simply returning to a project you enjoy. Whatever it is, the arrival of Monday morning isn’t something you fear.

2. You’re always learning. 

You find something new to learn with each new work day or week.

Whether you’re learning about your role, company, the wider industry, or yourself and your capabilities, learning forms a substantial part of your work and workplace.

3. You feel challenged in the right ways.

Feeling challenged and stretched is an important part of finding fulfilment in our work. Without it, we become stagnant and bored (nobody wants that!).

Having appropriate challenges that push you to be a better professional, test your problem solving and help you reach solutions successfully is a great sign you’re in a career that’s a good fit for you.

4. You get excited about updates in your industry.

It’s not just your role and company that interests you. You find yourself reading news and articles about updates in your wider industry, interested to learn more and see how it might impact you and your work.

You don’t just see your career as something you do during the work day; it’s something you’re genuinely interested in learning more about in lots of different ways.

5. You get along with your colleagues.

It might be a bit of a no-brainer but getting along with and appreciating your colleagues is a vital part of being happy at work!

You see your colleagues as people you can learn from and turn to when you need help. Even if there are a few you wouldn’t necessarily be ‘besties’ with, you respect the skills and contributions that everyone brings to the team.

6. You’re always looking for ways to do things better.

 Your job isn’t a series of tick boxes you just need to get through on any given day – you’re actively thinking and talking to your manager about how you might be able to do things differently to improve your job!

Whether it’s a new admin process to help the team or the introduction of a new product you’ve seen other industry organisations using to improve services, you’ve got an eye on what could be done better for everyone at work.

7. The future looks promising.

When you think about your career’s future and prospects, it doesn’t feel scary – it feels promising!

Even if you’re not entirely sure your current role is the best fit or what exactly your next five years might look like, you feel confident that you’ll still be working in the industry.

You’re excited about the potential for growth, and you know if you keep putting in the work, you’ll move onwards and upwards into something really good.

It’s a Fit!

What do you think? Does that kind of sound like where you’re at?

Even if you don’t tick all of these boxes, if you find yourself nodding along to most of them, it sounds like you’re definitely on track.

And if it doesn’t sound like you – don’t panic.

Your career is a journey; you’ll make many twists and turns. Keep focusing on and going after the things that keep you engaged, curious and excited, and you’ll find your way.

Want to see where your next career turn could lead you? Discover a world of new employers right here at Explore Careers with our employer partners.


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