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What is ‘Job Satisfaction’ and How Do I Find It?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

If you’re after a dose of good news, we’ve got you covered: according to Forbes, job satisfaction is actually on the rise! This is great news for employers and employees alike as there are tonnes of benefits of job satisfaction, and today, we’ll be walking you through a few! 

Regardless of whether you’re already a member of the workforce or simply thinking about your first job, knowing about job satisfaction is a must. After all, learning what kinds of roles could make you happy will make your entrance into the working world a lot more fun! 

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What is Job Satisfaction 

While job satisfaction can’t be measured precisely, the term relates to the way that we measure happiness at work. Essentially, it’s how you feel about your role, responsibilities, workplace and team!  

Levels of job satisfaction can vary from employee to employee, even if they work at the same company. Thus, whether or not someone finds job satisfaction in their current role depends upon whether their position and the workplace suit their unique needs. 

Sources of Job Satisfaction 

  • Working Towards a Positive and Admirable Outcome 
  • Convenience 
  • Inclusion of Employee’s Passions 
  • Comfortable Salaries 
  • Potential for Career Progression 
  • Work Perks (Hybrid Work Model, Free Lunches, Health Insurance etc.) 

Benefits of Job Satisfaction 

One of the main benefits of job satisfaction is that being happy at work makes you happier in general! An article in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine even suggests a clear link between job satisfaction and mental health and wellbeing. In this sense, pursuing a career you’re passionate about actually helps you stay healthy! 

However, job satisfaction isn’t just important for mental health and wellbeing reasons. In fact, the academic journal Perspectives on Psychological Science suggests that companies whose employees show higher levels of job satisfaction also see improved employee retention, customer loyalty, and financial outcomes! Another journal, Procedia Economics and Finance, seconds this and adds that greater levels of job satisfaction also contribute to an increase in commitment, effectiveness and productivity. Essentially, it’s a win-win: the benefits of job satisfaction are seemingly endless.  

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Job Satisfaction Quiz 

#1 How do you feel on a Sunday night? 

a. You feel pretty anxious and haven’t had enough time to recover from your last work week.  

b. You feel indifferent. It doesn’t really bother you that you’ll be going to work tomorrow.  

c. You feel excited to return to work; you have tonnes of ideas that you’re enthusiastic about implementing.  

#2 How do you feel when you imagine a future at your current workplace? 

a. You feel a dire lack of satisfaction and enthusiasm. Staying with your employer long-term is not part of your future plan. 

b. It’s not where you want to end up, but it’s a worthwhile stepping stone to something bigger, so you don’t mind too much.  

c. You can’t wait for a future with your company, and you’re already dreaming of your next promotion. 

#3 If a Friend Were Considering a Job at Your Workplace, You’d Tell Them: 

a. That they might want to think about their other options. 

b. That you trust their judgement and you’ll support them either way. 

c. That they absolutely have to apply! They’d be silly not to! 

#4 If your boss asks for new ideas for an upcoming project, you would:  

a. Struggle to find the motivation you need to brainstorm. Contributing to your team doesn’t really inspire you anymore.  

b. Spend 30 minutes or so coming up with some rough ideas to present. They’re all well thought out, but not super polished.  

c. Invest lots of time into gathering your ideas, refining them, and presenting them in an engaging manner. You can’t wait to make real changes! 

 #5 When it comes to your workload, you feel like: 

a. You keep falling further and further behind as your responsibilities continue to stack up. 

b. Keeping up with your assigned tasks isn’t easy, but it is doable, and your coworkers support you. 

c. Your boss checks in regularly to see how you’re doing and lightens your workload when needed.  

Job Satisfaction Quiz: Results 

Mostly A’s: We’ll be honest with you, it’s not looking good. Your job satisfaction level is so low that it’s actually stopping you from doing your job. You may also experience feelings of anger, frustration or sadness as a result. In short, it might be time to make a change.  

Mostly B’s: Those falling into our ‘B’ category are facing some pretty common job satisfaction-related issues.  However, being a little tired of the same old routine isn’t the be-all and end-all. In fact, it can be remedied easily; all you need to do is ask your boss for some new responsibilities! 

Mostly C’s: If you’re picking c’s, what are you even reading this article for? We’re obviously kidding (everyone’s welcome here), but in all seriousness, you’ve clearly found something special in your current workplace, so make sure you don’t lose that spark! 

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How to Improve Job Satisfaction 

If you’re in the ‘Mostly B’s’ zone or you’re yet to find your first job, knowing what factors influence job satisfaction and how to improve job satisfaction can help increase how happy you feel at work! To get you started, we’ve put together our top five:  

#1 Find Engaging Work That Draws Upon Your Skills 

When your role requires you to draw upon your skills and passions, you’ll likely feel a lot more motivated, happy and useful in the workplace. In short, if you love what you do, job satisfaction comes pretty easily! 

#2 Ensure Your Next Workplace Offers Opportunities for Career Advancement 

It always feels good to know that you’re on a promising path, and the best way to find that security is by knowing which promotions you can work towards! Job satisfaction is easy to find when you know you’re working towards your goals. 

#3 Look for Employers Who Prioritise Work-Life Balance 

If you’re constantly inundated with high-priority deadlines and huge tasks, it’s hard to take any time for yourself. However, when you’re working for an employer who takes mental health and wellbeing seriously, you’re much more likely to find job satisfaction 

#4 Make Sure You’re Being Paid Fairly for Your Role 

When you’re struggling to make ends meet (and you just know that the average salary for your role is higher than what you’re making), it’s easy to become super frustrated with your employer. True job satisfaction comes from knowing that you’re being treated fairly. 

#5 Pursue Roles in Collaborative Workplaces 

In offices where everyone simply looks out for themselves, it’s hard to get collaborative, brainstorm, and come up with exciting new ideas. Look for workplaces that have a positive work environment and allow you to work with your team, rather than against them.  

You’re Ready: Go Out and Find the Perfect Job for You! 

Now that you know what to look for when hunting for job satisfaction, it’s time to jump into the workforce and start your exciting career journey! If you still need a little more guidance, check out our article on career hunting for introverts or head straight to our employers page today! 


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