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How to Cope with Work Stress

Reading Time: 5 minutes

We can all experience a little work stress from time to time, but when it starts getting overwhelming, it’s important to recognise the signs and take action. After all, we don’t want to risk facing burnout, a toxic workplace culture, or any of the other negative effects that stress can have on our mental health! 

When we do experience stress at work, it’s common to see changes in the way we act, think and feel. For instance, when we’re super stressed, we can become less productive and less positive, which can, in turn, make us feel even more stressed! It’s a nasty cycle, which is why it’s so important to nip work stress in the bud, and today we’re teaching you to do just that! 

How Does Stress Effect Mental Health

How Does Work Stress Affect Mental Health 

Experiencing stress at work can really turn us into negative thinkers. In fact, according to the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK, common stress-related changes to our thinking patterns include: 

  • Jumping to conclusions 
  • Focusing on challenges rather than success 
  • Maximising problems 
  • Worst-case-scenario thinking 
  • Always holding yourself accountable for negative outcomes (even when it’s not your fault)! 

After skimming that list, it’s easy to see why reducing stress at work is so incredibly important! And unfortunately, that isn’t all: work stress can also result in us: 

  • Avoiding certain tasks 
  • Working longer hours 
  • Feeling withdrawn 
  • Experiencing a lack of drive and motivation 
  • Exhibiting intense emotional reactions  

So, if you want to avoid the risk of emotional turmoil (or if you simply want to keep being your incredible, productive self), you can’t just work through work stress, you have to face it head on! And if that sounds a bit scary, don’t worry, we’re here to help you every step of the way.  

What Causes Stress at Work

What Causes Stress at Work 

Unfortunately, there isn’t one universal cause of work stress. In fact, stress at work can be caused by a variety of different scenarios, which means you need to reflect on what might be causing your stress and plan your solution accordingly.  

However, to get you started, we’ve put together a list of the most common causes of stress at work, which include: 

High Demands on Time and Energy 

Organisations with a positive workplace culture always ensure that their staff are able to complete their daily tasks without feeling burnt out. However, when mismanagement occurs, it can result in super high demands on employee’s time and energy.  

To reduce stress at work, ensure that your time and energy are being considered and valued! And if your day-to-day routine is becoming unmanageable, talk to your manager so you can find a solution together.  

A Lack of Defined Responsibilities 

Being able to adapt and take on new tasks is a normal part of being in the workforce. However, if the scope of your role is super unclear and you never know what to expect when you enter the workplace, it can be a little unsettling (to say the least)! 

Clarifying what’s expected of you can reduce guesswork and result in you experiencing less stress at work, so it’s definitely worth scheduling a conversation to clear things up.  

Poor Management 

Poor management is a common sign of a toxic workplace and can sometimes be a little tricky to identify. However, if the higher ups at your company are: 

  • Micromanaging staff 
  • Stealing Credit 
  • Demonstrating a Lack of Communication 
  • Or, Publicly Criticising 

It’s pretty likely that you’re dealing with bad management. This is a super tricky issue to deal with, but setting boundaries and trying to adapt to their working style is your best bet. However, if all else fails, it might pay to keep your eyes on our job posting board. 

Workplace Bullying 

Let’s face it, workplace bullying sucks, and it’s way more common that it should be. In fact, a survey by the Workplace Bullying Institute states that 30% of workers had experienced bullying while at work.  

Workplace bullying is defined as persistent mistreatment occurring in the workplace and can consist of verbal criticism, personal attacks, humiliation, belittling, and exclusion. It’s not nice, but it’s not something you have to put up with. If you’re experiencing workplace bullying, make sure you keep track of the abuse, tell your manager, confront the behaviour and continue looking after yourself. It does get better, we promise.  

How to Deal with Stress in the Workplace

How To Deal with Stress in the Workplace 

Now that we’ve covered the key causes of stress at work, it’s time to formulate a plan to help you get back to 100%. However, if you’re unsure of where to start, these tried-and-true strategies are bound to have you feeling better in no time: 

Adopt a Pre-Work Routine 

If your workdays seem a little unpredictable, adopting a pre-work routine can help you reintroduce some predictability into your schedule and gives you time to mentally prepare for the day ahead.  

Pre-work routines can be as quick as sitting down for a tea or coffee while watching some reels, or as extensive as a morning yoga session followed by making a home-cooked breakfast. The most important thing is that it brings you joy! 

Avoid Conflict with Coworkers 

Do you indulge in a little workplace gossip from time to time? We get that it can be tempting, but it’s never a good idea to talk about others behind their backs. Remember, treat others the way you want to be treated (or risk becoming a workplace bully yourself)! 

However, it’s important to note that there’s a big difference between gossip and venting your frustrations. It’s healthy to talk to others when someone is causing you grief at work, but try to express those sentiments in a constructive, solution-focused way.  

Plan Ahead 

If you always feel like you’re playing catch-up at work, invest in a planner and map out what you need to do ahead of time. This way, you’ll never be caught off guard by tasks that you forgot about (and you’ll know what to get ahead on if you get some free time)! 

Create a Soothing Workspace 

Work stress can feel much worse when you haven’t made your workspace feel comfortable and inviting. If you work in an office, consider investing in a super cosy chair cushion, some cute stationary and maybe even an office pot plant. You spent eight hours a day at work, so you may as well make your workspace inviting! 

Look After Your Body 

Finding that work-life balance and looking after your body is key to reducing stress levels! Make sure that you make time to move your body (any form of exercise is a good form of exercise), cook nourishing meals and have some fun!  

Careers are super important, but they aren’t everything. Looking after your body and living your life is just as crucial as gunning it for that promotion, so don’t let your personal life fall to the wayside!  

Be Your Most Productive Self 

If you’re working and studying, you might be facing some unique stressors related to school. However, the good news is that we have a guide for you too! Head over to our guide for coping with school stress and become your most productive self in all aspects of your life! 


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